FLASHBACK to 2013 and Sneak Peak at fashion week launch and that stunning fresh floral gown we created for the Media Launch.
It was filled to the brim with an Abundance of Australian native Greenery, Field picked Dahlias, Roses, Anthurium and a collection of wildflowers.
The gown itself took 20 hours onsite to adorn with flowers & greenery. Plus the countless hours of prefabrication, not to mention all of those other nitty-gritty details it takes to bring a seamless Media Launch to life with a feel of effortlessness and professional ease.
A little look into our onsite build. QT gave our team one of their stylish rooms, which we FILLED with flowers, greenery, and accessories. And I mean filled! We had laid drop sheets over the whole of the room prior to entering as we knew what was to come!
All prefab and set up started the night prior too, things like prepping flowers and greenery, cutting wires, etc etc. Final calls were made to lock in times with photographers, videographers, make up artists, Team members, Fashion designers, Event co-ordinators and anyone else who needed to know when, where, what and how.
Our team finally settled in around midnight.
The alarm starting beeping around 4am and the build started off at the sink in the bathroom of our apartment, headpiece came first. In all honesty, it was because I could happily build this in my pyjamas and half asleep.
Then the gown started, a bit of base green went on “Jasmine” (Jasmine is our mannequins name). She was getting ready to head down to the location by 6am.
By 6am it was ‘Game on’ time!! You can see the whole build in the clip below.
Ready for launch by 6pm that night. Media turned out in droves, the event was a success. Jasmine was up on stage and had countless images of her taken with anyone and everyone who was someone in the Fashion industry on the Gold Coast!
Julia Rose x

QT GC Fashion Week 2013 – Fresh Floral Gown by Julia Rose – Designer

Fresh Floral gown. Designed in an abundance of Native Australian Greenery, Roses, Dahlia, Anthurium.

QT Gold Coast Fashion week – Media Launch

Julia Rose & Photographer – Fashion week
Sneak peak at Fashion Week Media Launch

QT Surfers Paradise – Julia Rose – Media Launch

Gown made from fresh Flowers – Designer Julia Rose
Thanks to QT Hotels