Suspended Fresh Floral Installations
I thought I would do a little post on just a few of the recent fresh floral installations we have created this season.
Most of these images are just ones I have captured, onsite after setting up, you know for that quick social media share as your standing there next to this gorgeous and monumental piece you have just spent hours…. & hours creating.
The boys have used ladders and all sorts of gadgets to do the rigging, then up I go for all the final touches and last minute manicuring.
If I don’t pass out from sheer exhaustion I do manage to catch a photo. Hence the reason I don’t actually have many images as yet I usually choose the ‘ pass out from exhaustion’ option. Then just wait for the professional images to come back.
We have a big array of Suspension pieces to create in. Everything from Floral chandeliers, suspended boxes, twisted willow frames and ladders, well ‘ladder type’ pieces…..the list goes on…and on……
So as I said here are just a few, I hope you enjoy them as much as I enjoyed creating them.